Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Some people...

Tony: So, you went to the grocery store today. Did you buy me some.... oh, I guess not.

Me: What? Coke?

Tony: No, sparkling grape juice. (this has become the new "gold" around the house.)

Me: No, I bought you some Filet Mignon, which is like 100 times better than that junk.

Tony: Oh, well, I guess....


Monday, February 21, 2011

What did she say?

Tony and I arrived home today to a shocked 13 year old who could not wait to tell us....

Kt: Em said her teacher told Brian not to say "Oh, Poop" but instead to say "Damn it!"

Em: Yeah, she said that!! That's how I know it's OK to say "Damn it!"

Me: I thought your teacher told Brian to say "Oh, darn."

Em: Oh.... yeah.... that is what she said. Oops!

(And just where do you think she heard.... oh, I don't even want to know!)

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Returning from an amazing Hibachi Birthday dinner for moi, we pulled into our neighborhood behind a veeeeerrrryyyy slow car. As it made it's u-turn in the entrance to our neighborhood, we noticed it was being driven by a student driver. Katie piped up, "That'll be me in a few years! But I'll be driving faster than that!

I replied, "That's what you think... and I'm not talking about the fast part, I'm talking about the driving part!"

She was not amused.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Square Pegs

Yesterday, we watched from our windows at our beach hotel, a man sweetly etch into the sand "Staci, Be My Valetine" (yes... with the misspelling!). Jokingly, I chided that it was going to take a long, long time for Tony to repeat this action with "Happy Birthday Deanna" the next morning. Of course, the 10 year old thought this would be a wonderful idea... and this morning they snuck out to give it a try. I couldn't resist the urge to peak at their work and found Tony out in the sand looking rather forlorn, Emily bundled up in her winter coat sitting on the boardwalk. I see how this goes! When I peaked the second time, there were footprints in the sand, a little swirl about halfway to the water and two Shengs retreating from the beach. Oh well.... better luck next idea! LOL

Friday, February 18, 2011

Can I Get You Something to Drink?

Tony, on his way out the door of our hotel room, heading for the vending machine: What would you like to drink?

Em: She just wants a Margherita.

Me: (Laughing) - Uh... how about a Fanta? or a water?

Tony, to Em: Do you even know what a Margherita is?

Em: Sure I do. It's 100% sugar!

Me: Mmmm... maybe I'll have one of those instead!

I think Em may have a future as a candy maker.... but I'm not betting on bartender just yet!

life untweeted

This blog is in response to many requests for, and many disdainful comments on FB, a collection of funny things that happen in our family. Many of them are our exact words, others are merely observations. While some believe these should be tweeted, I just can't see that they will fit into the 140 character rule. Our life is just too..... well, complicated. ;-) Enjoy!